Monday, September 29, 2008

Shave It Away

I am happy to say that on Saturday the FedEx man delivered to me the deluxe package of Intuflow, Born to Move and Xtension with mini clubbells!

I have cracked the binding on Born to Move, sampled the Intuflo and Xtension DVDs and am amazed at how heavy a 5lb clubbell feels in one's hands.

Yesterday I was able to get my wife and myself to start working Intuflow together.  We began with the Beginner program and worked down to our thorax.  I'm hoping she'll start getting up early with me to continue working the program. (I'll have to ease her into it.)

This morning I continue to work my physical therapy exercises and Intuflow, now with the new focus of "shaving away the discomfort".  Scott mentions this in Intuflow.  It means you don't stretch or move into a painful area (which I was just a bit guilty of), but work right up to it and gradually, over sessions, shave off that discomfort little by little, until you are able to move into the area once again pain free.

The biggest problem with my back I am finding is that I don't always feel specific pain or discomfort when working my therapy movements.  It usually isn't until later that day or the following day when I realize that I over did things.  So now I must become much more intuitive about my therapy work.  I think that I have now gotten the majority of the benefit from actually going to my therapy sessions and that the remainder of my recovery is now in my hands and the constant day to day rehab and recovery work that I do each morning.  (Although I do enjoy the stim and massages.)

So that's it.  We shall continue to plug away!

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