Monday, December 28, 2009

Catch Up Training

Wow, now that the holidays are half over, it's time to start catching up on my training. I've been pretty lax in the past weeks, just very busy preparing for the holidays as well as year end stuff at work. So now I'm getting moving again and can really feel the effects of the layoff.

That being said, I'm ramping up slowly. Here are the last two training sessions...

Saturday, 12/26
One Arm Jerk: 20kg - 8/8
Jerk: 2 x 20kg - 3 minutes @ 7 rpm
Windmill: 16kg - 5/5
Squat: 2 x 16kg - 10
'Lazy' Swing: 16kg - 20/20

Monday, 12/28
Swing: 16kg - 10/10
Snatch: 20kg - 4 minutes @ 14 rpm
One Arm Clean: 20kg - 2 minutes @ 16 rpm
Snatch: 2 minutes @ 16 rpm
Clean: 2 minutes @ 16 rpm
Double Swing: 2 x 20kg - 7, 8

That's it and that's all!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Snatch Sets

A bit of snatching was on the books for today. I had to cut my sets short as an old blister started to bunch up and I didn't want it to tear. Not too bad a session regardless.

2 x 20kg - 10/10
2 x 24kg - 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10

Overhead Quarter Squat: 1 x 24kg - 15/15

"AKC" Swing: 1 x 24kg - 10/10

That's it and that's all. Time to rest!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jerk Sets

Today was a volume day for Jerks. I admit I strayed a bit from my original plan. Feeling confident, I decided late last night that I would introduce a few sets today with the 28kg bells. Just a few. And I did. And this is what today looked like...

2 x 24kg - 12
2 x 28kg - 8
2 x 24kg - 12
2 x 28kg - 8
2 x 24kg - 8, 8, 12

Squat: 2 x 16kg - 10

Treadmill: easy 1.3 miles

I was rather surprised at how 'light' the 28kg bells felt compared to the 24's. I think I might have to weigh my bells tonight. It was just a bit weird. My original plan was to hit 80 reps in total with today's session using the 24's, but since I introduced the 28's, I didn't quite make it. Nonetheless, I am happy with today's work.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snatches - 20kg

Today was Snatch Day. I'm still trying to allow for reduced intensity on my snatches until I'm able to recuperate fully from recent high volume work. So after Friday's 10-minute set with the 16kg, I decided to slip up to the 20kg bell today for just a bit more intensity. Here's today's session...

Snatch: 20kg - 8 minutes @ 14 rpm

Snatch: 20kg - 2 minutes @ 12 rpm

One Arm Jerk: 28kg - 8/8

Swing: 20kg - 15/15

I was pleasantly surprised how 'comfortable' the 8 minute set was. I remember not too long ago saying how much I dreaded the 8 minute sets. I guess working with the 24kg bells how certainly made an impression on me. Nice!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Flying Solo

Today is Day 1 of me crafting my new, personal training program. After much thinking, I am going to try to put a training plan together that matches my own personal goals based upon the various training plans that I have been exposed to up until now. How will it pan out? I have no idea. But it should be fun trying to find out. =)

Here's today's session...

Jerk: 2 x 24kg - 4 minutes @ 6 rpm

Jerk: 2 x 24kg - 2 minutes @ 7 rpm

Bumps: 2 x 24kg - 20 reps

Squats: 2 x 16kg - 10 reps

Cool down with 10 minutes of light treadmill work.

So far, so good. Tomorrow we snatch!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Nice & Easy 10-Minute Snatch Set

I'm in need of a little recovery time, so this week into next I'll be tapering a bit to allow my body to recuperate fully.

So today's session was a light one...

Snatch: 16kg - 10 minutes @ 14 rpm

Deadlift: 1 x 24kg - 10/10

Swings: 1 x 24kg - 10/10

This was an easy session. It's great to be able to complete a 10 minute snatch set and not even be breathing hard! (OK, it was a light bell for me, but still.) Have a great weekend, y'all!