So not only did I increase my working sets from 4 minutes to 5 minutes, but I decided to work through my "Long Cycle Progression". Here's today's workout...
1-Arm Long Cycle Press: 16kg - 5 minutes @ 8 rpm
1-Arm Long Cycle Push Press: 16kg - 5 minutes @ 10 rpm
1-Arm Long Cycle (Jerk): 16kg - 5 minutes @ 10 rpm
Now this is what I call "intense"! I was dripping wet after this session. I have to admit, I don't work Long Cycle enough. Weird thing I noticed during the first set, I started on my left side, and toward the end of the 2-1/2 minutes my Cleans were getting really sloppy. I was worried about how the next two sets would go. But funny thing, my form improved as I continued through. My grip was starting to go on me, as my ok grip (only on the left side) started to disappear, but sliding the bell into the rack improved. Perhaps I was trying to muscle it early on, and as my upper body fatigued it allowed the rest of me to properly execute the technique?
Anyway, this was a good way to start and end the week. It'll be a few days until my next workout as we will be taking my son into the hospital today for a few days of EEG observation. Wish us luck, we're gonna need it!