Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wed Lotsa Presses

Feeling pretty strong this morning, I decided to take Aaron's advice and lose the 8kg kb that starts out my warmup. I jumped right in with the 16kg...

16kg: 2-Hand Swings 30x, Halos 5/5, 8s to Hold: 5/5
24kg: 2-Hand Swings 20x, Halos 5/5, 8s to Hold (with 16kg): 5/5

During my warmup I noticed that I have a dull ache in my right bicep, near the elbow. I have had this re-occurring for some time. My physical therapist classified it at an over-use injury. I am starting to connect it to pullups, particularly when I perform them on my Power Tower here at home. At the gym, there are several pullup bars at different angles and I used to do my pullups there as opposed to the straight bar here at home. Now that I've started my "at home only" routine, the ache is returning. So needless to say, I decided to skip pullups today.

Instead I became more focused on my Clean & Presses...

Clean & Press 16kg: 5/5
Clean & Press 24kg: 1/1, 5/5, 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 3/3

Wanting to hit 5/5 with the 24kg, I decided not to tire myself out too much with laddering and went for it pretty early on. And I hit it! I then decided to keep it up and started a ladder. Going was pretty strong until I got back to my set of 5's. Couldn't do it on the left side so opted for 3 good ones and then matched it on the right. Not too bad. Then on to the Swings...

1-Hand Swings 24kg: 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 15/15, 15/15

Today I learned the beauty of the "hook grip" with swings. After Monday's Snatch workout my hands were fried. And as soon as I performed my first set of swings today, they were screaming. With a small adjustment I found the sweet spot and was able to finish without a problem. The hook grip will definitely strengthen my fingers I can see.

Today's totals:
2-Hand Swings 2112 lbs
1-Hand Swings 6336 lbs
Total Swung = 8448 lbs

That's it for today. Tomorrow is an easy day.


Franz Snideman said...

Awesome training session! The C & P ladders you are doing are great!



Aaron Friday said...

Excellent job with the presses! Well done.

Since you swinging the 16 for 30 reps first thing, I'd say the 8 is no longer needed, LOL!

Can you do an over-under grip with the Power Tower? Grip the bar like a baseball bat and do pullups from the side. You're probably better off just healing, but this is an idea.

Great swings, too.

Howie B said...

Thanks Guys. Do do enjoy the Cleans & Presses. I think maybe my form on the Cleans isn't where it should be and that might be causing part of my problem. Unfortunately, Mahler's seminar that I signed up for isn't until April...

As for the bicep, I'll let it rest until next week and see how it's feeling then. Maybe re-introduce the C&Ps and Pullups back in slowly, with less reps at first.

Aaron, will experiment with my Power Tower to see if I can vary my position, although I think it might be difficult. I think some new equipment investments will be required in 2008.