Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Straight Forward

Straight forward work today...

Jerk: 2 x 20kg - 5 minutes @ 8 rpm

Snatch: 20kg - 8 minutes @ 12 rpm

Treadmill: 20 minutes - light run/walk

Felt the best yet at the end of today's jerk set. Tomorrow I shoot for six minutes at same pace.

Snatch is coming along. Unfortunately I had a bit of a callous built up on my right palm that I should have taken care of, but kept saying, "it's not too bad". Well it was bad enough to catch and tear a bit of skin. Tomorrow I'll try my set as is and see if I can work around it. I had expected my left hand to end up with a tear as that hand fell apart toward the end of its time. I felt like my right hand held up strong throughout.

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