Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday Morning Injury?

Well it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and a typical Monday morning - filled with Kettlebells.

I started today off with the usual warmup of 2SW & Halos using the 8kg, 16kg and 24kg.

Then on to the C&P's, today is the start of Week 3 of ETK Program, so we increased the Monday ladders by another rung. Supersetted with BW Pullups, it looked something like this:

16kg C&P - 1/2/3, 1/2/3, 1/2/3
BW Pullups - 1/2/3, 1/2/3, 1/2/3

Then on to Snatches for 8 minutes:
16kg SN - 10/10
- 10/10
- 10/10
- 5/5/5/5
For a total of 80 snatches, or 2816 lbs in 8 min, or 352 lb/min

Again, against last week, I was able to perform the same number of snatches but shaved off one minute. Improvement.

So here I was done with a successful workout to get my morning started when I decided to stretch a bit. Well at one point I was laying on my back and for some reason had the urge to go into a neck bridge. I guess that sort of thing happens when you're feeling invincible... well my neck wasn't feeling invincible, particularly since this isn't something I ever do. Needless to say, right now turning my head in either direction isn't too pleasant a motion. I think today is going to call for a lot of Alleve and a lot of stretching. Stay tuned.


Lauren Brooks said...

So sorry to hear about your neck. Workout looked great though! Feel better.

Kettlebell Lady said...

nice on the snatch time! Hope your neck feels better...drugs good!