Monday, October 1, 2007

October 1st - ETK Light Day

Welcome to October!! I am so looking forward to the Fall this year. This coming weekend is already planned the annual trip to the (massive) Garden Center when they have hayrides and wine tastings and all things autumn. And this year with my one-year old, autumn, the holidays, will all seem a little more special.

With that, I awoke early today for the official start of my Enter the Kettlebell (ETK) workouts. Today was a Light day.

Warmed up with 8kg for some 2SW and Halos. Next some Halos with 16kg.

C&P - 1, 1, 1
BW Pullups - 1, 1, 1

For first workout of first week, I only performed one rung on three ladders, with a ladder of BW Pullups in between.

Next, rolled the dice and came up with 9 minutes for Snatches. These were to be done at 50% intensity.

16kg SN - 5/5 x 7 sets

Performed 5 reps each side, for 7 sets. 70 snatches in total.

And that was it. Time to get ready for work and find out what the day holds for me. Oh yeah, supposed to be meeting a friend today for lunch. You don't want to know where... ok, you got it out of me... IHOP! I loves me some buttermilk pancakes!!

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