Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wednesday - Moderate ETK

Usual warmup this morning with the 8kg, 2SW and Halos, then 16kg for more Halos.

Today's C&P consisted of 3 ladders, 2 rungs each, supersetted with BW Pullups.

16kg C&P - 1/2, 1/2, 1/2
BW Pullups - 1/2, 1/2, 1/2

Then rolled the dice and came up with 10 min for Swings.

16kg 2SW - 30
16kg 1SW - 10/10
- 10/10
- 10/10
- 10/10
- 10/10
- 10/10
150 swings in total, 5280 pounds

It's only Wed, and for me it already feels like I have accomplished everything for the week! Tomorrow is my Variety day which can be as intense as I feel. I will do at least the 5 min of TGU's, but the rest is up to me. Friday is my rest day, which means I can sleep a bit later if I feel. This is a pretty good feeling!! By the time Sat gets here, I will be fresh and looking forward to my Heavy day. Mmm, mmmm, good!


Kettlebell Lady said...

I love your page pic! TGU tomorrow? oh the agony! I hate them.

Lauren Brooks said...

looks good Howie! Enjoy sleeping in! I am jealous.

Howie B said...

Hi Kettlebell Lady, yes this morning were TGU's. Along with some other fun stuff. I see you're in NJ, not too far from me. I look forward to catching up on your posts!

Howie B said...

Hi Lauren, alas no.. today there was no sleeping in. We arose at 5:40 and got started with TGU's. Also slid in a few ab rolls!