I was tired this morning. And the air was so crisp and cool that it made it very difficult to get out from under the covers. But I did. And this morning the 32kg awaited me once more. This time for Swings.
Today was solely Swings. Nothing more, nothing less.
2-Hand Swings: 32kg
200 Swings in total. I believe a new volume PR with the 32kg. Yeah baby!!
Olympic Trials (Part 2) Finally
8 years ago
How long did you rest between sets? Gave me an idea, I would take as a "rest" hindu squats (so eg 20 swings, 20 hs, 18 swings, 18 hs etc), so I would also have done 200 hindu squats (or a squat version you prefer). Guess I will "steal" this workout of you and use the above mentioned option. I really like the 32 kg swings,I use them also.
Hi Gunther, this actually took me about 35 minutes. I didn't time it, but just waited until I felt I could perform the next set in good form. No way I could have done this in that amount of time (yet) with hindu squats in between. I'd have hyperventilated!
Just finished my 200 reps workout but slightly modified it by doing a pyramid. I am starting to feel it in a good way today. Here is what I did:
I call it the royal swinging workout (hope you do not mind I wrote it down here in your blog):
pyramid of 2-20-2 of hindu squats supersetted with
pyramid of 2-20-2 (32 kg) KB swings
10x10 hindu pushups on the ppu handles
back bridge
Gunther, how did your pyramid work? You start with 2 swings and work your way up??
yip, that is how I did it.
2 hindu squats, 2 swings, 4 hs, 4 swings up to 20 and than back to 2 again. Did it non stop.
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